
The 全球勇士中心 is a one-stop shop for Park's military students and families, whether on campus or at one of over 20 locations with online and hybrid options. Dedicated support staff with military service knowledge help you make the most of your 好处, transition in or out of active duty military service and find specialized support services tailored to your needs.


我们会帮你最大限度地提高学费. We offer a discounted tuition rate of $250 per credit hour for currently serving students.

学费,援助 & 好处



Park offers outstanding undergraduate and graduate degree and certificate programs.



We’ll guide you through the admission process step-by-step and listen to your needs to provide unparalleled support. You’ll receive personal guidance from experienced military 退伍军人 with diverse backgrounds in service duties.



Park has over 20 locations with online and hybrid options, 其中许多位于军事设施上. 我们的主校区在帕克维尔, 密苏里州, 在吉尔伯特, 亚利桑那州, offer face-to-face classes taught by faculty committed to your success.


无论你是亲自上课还是在线上课, 皇冠365官方app has the resources and support systems you need. 我们提供学术支持, 提供免费咨询服务, 职业规划, 财务管理培训等等. 我们会支持你的每一步.



资源包括计算机实验室, 参考图书馆, a lounge and other amenities to serve the needs of service members, 退伍军人, 受伤的战士, 家庭成员, 受养人及配偶. With 700 acres of natural beauty and historic buildings, the campus offers a full range of academic programs plus opportunities for leadership and a wide variety of athletics, 社交俱乐部, 荣誉社团和领导组织.



参加后备役军官训练军团 is one of the nation’s top leadership programs, with a wide range of 好处. 它为你准备了工具, training and experiences that will help you succeed in any competitive environment. The Basic Course studies history, organization and structure. The Advanced Course concentrates on tactical operations and military instruction, 以及先进的管理技术, 领导与指挥.



The FAA’s UAS–CTI program recognizes institutions that prepare students for careers in unmanned aircraft systems, 通常被称为无人机. Park offers an undergraduate certificate in Unmanned Aerial System Drone Application. The 12-credit hour program prepares students to become FAA-certified small UAS remote drone pilots.

2021年3月18日 The Federal Aviation Administration has selected 皇冠365官方app to be a member institution of its Unmanned Aircraft Systems – Collegiate Training Initiative. 皇冠365官方app is the first college/university in the State of 密苏里州 to be a part of this program.

The FAA’s UAS–CTI program recognizes institutions that prepare students for careers in unmanned aircraft systems, 通常被称为无人机. 为了有资格参加倡议, colleges/universities must offer a bachelor’s degree or associate degree in UAS or a degree with a minor, UAS专业或证书. Schools must provide curriculum covering various aspects of UAS training, 包括实际飞行练习, 维护, 使用, 应用程序, 隐私问题, 安全和联邦政策.

“The result of Park’s collaborative relationship with the FAA includes a continuous dialogue with stakeholders to connect the University with general industry, 地方政府, law enforcement and regional economic development entities to address labor force needs,凯蒂·欧文说, Ed.D., Park’s associate vice president of strategic alliances.

皇冠365官方app招收新学生 undergraduate certificate in Unmanned Aerial System Drone Application. The 12-credit hour program prepares students to become FAA-certified small UAS remote drone pilots who are trained to conduct safe, 合法有效的空中飞行操作. The three core courses (and one elective course) supporting this certificate are designed to instruct remote drone pilots in how to fly mission-driven and incident-free sorties, and effectively capture/record and post-process aerial imagery.

成功完成Park课程的学生 Commercial Drone Pilot Certification Prep Course (UAS 107) will be prepared to sit for the FAA’s Part 107 UAS Remote Pilot Certification Exam, which is the accepted certification for small UAS-drone commercial and municipal operations.

For more information about 皇冠365官方app’s undergraduate certificate in Unmanned Aerial System Drone Application, 访问 公园.edu/academics/explore-majors-programs/uas-drone-certificate.


乔治年代. 罗伯, 1912年毕业于帕克学院, served in World War I as an officer with the 369th Infantry Regiment, 更广为人知的名字是“哈莱姆地狱战士”.罗柏的行为, 1918年9月下旬, were acknowledged following the war as a recipient of the Medal of Honor. 皇冠365官方app history majors assist in conducting research related to the Valor Medals Review Project.

奖 & 识别

军章图标Park has been named a “Military Friendly Top 10 Schools” for 2022-23 by Viqtory Media. In addition, Military Times “Best for Vets: Colleges” 2021 ranked Park No. 在美国中部地区.S. 在私人非营利组织中,没有. 在美国中部地区.S. 在所有学校(公立和私立)中,排名第二. 9 nationwide among private not-for-profit schools, and No. 51 nationwide among all schools (public and private). The ranking is a reflection of the services and support the University provides to active duty military, 退伍军人及其家属.

In 2021, Park’s online programs were ranked the No. 9 “Best for Vets” among private colleges/universities by Military Times.

Park was a pioneer in higher education integration, welcoming African-American students to Park’s residence halls in the 1950s. Park has educated generations of students from diverse backgrounds, 提供负担得起的私立教育.

在线军事教育(OME)排名第一. 15 in its list of “Best Online Colleges for Military and G.I. 比尔®.OME称赞朴槿惠, 说, “净价很低, 皇冠365官方app提供了一个灵活的, 以可承受的成本提供高质量的教育.”

GI 比尔®是美国军队的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). More information about education 好处 offered by VA is available at the official U.S. 政府网站: http://www.好处.va.gov / gibill.




