
Shane中小企业SHANE B. 中小企业

(816) 584-6205

Shane B. Smeed被任命为总裁,于2022年1月生效, 自2020年12月以来一直担任临时总统. Before his recent appointment, Smeed served as Park’s vice president and chief operating officer. 在这个角色中, Smeed provided strategic and tactical leadership to more than half of the University’s staff in the areas of enrollment management, 学生的成功, 财政援助服务, 市场营销, 学生参与, 体育和校园中心运营. 除了, 他负责大约16起,每年有1000名学生, 包括10,000现役军人, 国民警卫队, 储备, 退伍军人和军人家属学生.

The son of a university administrator, Smeed always knew he wanted to work in higher education. Smeed于2015年来到Park大学, attracted 由 diversity of its student body and its Kansas City metropolitan area location. 当他第一次踏上风景如画的帕克维尔旗舰店时.) Campus, he stood next to historic Mackay Hall and looked over the campus and the city. 他立刻意识到,Park将成为他的职业之家.

Smeed maintains a strong commitment to a “Park United” and leading a University that celebrates diversity, serves a growing student body and earns recognition from its faculty and staff as an employer of choice. 斯密德认为,朴槿惠的座右铭, 信仰与劳工 (Latin for faith and work), can inspire students, faculty and staff to achieve all their goals.

Smeed在高等教育领域有超过20年的进步经验. Smeed earned a Master of Arts degree in Higher Education and Student Affairs Administration from Saint Louis University and a Master of Business degree from Keller Graduate School of Management.

Smeed has played a volunteer leadership role with several Kansas City area organizations. He currently serves on the board of directors of the Kansas City Area Development Council and the Command and General 工作人员 College Foundation. He previously served as an appointed planning and zoning commissioner for the City of Parkville. Smeed and his wife, Angela, have three children: Samantha, 22, Andrew, 19, and Landon, 15.

Erik BergrudErik Bergrud

(816) 584-6412

Erik Bergrud’s life was transformed by his experience as a 皇冠365官方app graduate public affairs student. 在那段时间里, 他接受了为他人服务的理念,并将其应用到自己的职业生涯中, 以及本地的, 国内和国际志愿活动. 作为朴槿惠的首席战略沟通官, 他设想, 实现了, evaluates and refines strategic communications to support and advance the institution’s goals and priorities. 他还负责管理该机构的公众形象, 监督以选民为基础的沟通, and advises members of the University community on communications strategy and opportunities.

伯格鲁德赢得了全国同事的尊重和信任, having been elected a fellow of the Congressionally-chartered National Academy of Public Administration and president of the American Society for Public Administration. 2008年,他参与编辑了这本书, 网络社会中的公民参与. 他为堪萨斯城的几个民间组织投入了大量时间. Bergrud is chair of the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce’s Missouri State Affairs Committee, 密苏里州帕克维尔市的前任主席.)经济发展局, 也是堪萨斯城国际关系委员会的前任主席.

Bergrud and his wife, Kimberlee, are actively involved in Kansas City philanthropic causes. 他们共同主持了堪萨斯城芭蕾舞团的活动, 和大都会反性侵组织. He also serves as a public address/broadcast announcer for 皇冠365官方app soccer, 帕克维尔社区活动, the Kansas City Comets (Major Arena Soccer League) and the KC Courage (United Women’s Soccer).

Bergrud earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology from the University of Kansas and a Master of Public Affairs degree with an emphasis in government-business relations from 皇冠365官方app. He also completed the Council of Independent Colleges’ Senior Leadership Academy and the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce’s Centurions Leadership Program. Bergrud received the Park Student Government Association’s 2017-18 Tipton Award for alumni service to the University and the 2019 皇冠365官方app Department of 体育运动 Donald J. Breckon终身成就奖.

Yira BrimageYira Brimage

Park Gilbert,副总裁
(480) 923-0029

Yira Brimage was appointed vice president of 皇冠365官方app’s Gilbert Campus in November 2021. 以她副总统的身份, Brimage holds the top leadership position for the University’s Gilbert Campus and is responsible for leading the strategic growth and operations of the campus. Most recently, Brimage has been the principal and owner of Brimage Consulting in Tucson, Ariz., 哪家专门从事教育方面的工作, health care and small businesses to prepare their workforces with competency-based skill development.

布里姆奇对亚利桑那州的高等教育并不陌生. For nearly four years (August 2014 to June 2018) she served as vice president of student affairs and engagement at Pima 社区 College’s downtown campus in Tucson. She also served a variety of roles with Maricopa 社区 Colleges for 14 years, 2010年至2014年担任凤凰学院学生事务副主席, 招生服务副主任(2000-05), dean of student affairs (2005-09) and acting vice president of student affairs (2009-10) at Scottsdale 社区 College. Brimage在亚利桑那州立大学开始了她的高等教育生涯, 在各个大学的本科招生部门工作了九年, 以及负责亚利桑那州立大学东校区(现为理工学院)的学生事务.

Brimage is working to earn her Doctorate of Education degree in educational leadership from Northern Arizona University (expected to graduate in Spring 2022), following the completion and successful defense of her dissertation on “Latina Leadership in 社区 College.” She earned a Master of Education degree in educational leadership and policy studies from NAU and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish and communications from ASU.

罗兰·克里斯坦森罗兰一. 克里斯坦森

(816) 584-6810

罗兰·克里斯坦森是帕克大学的幕僚长. 以这种身份, 她以各种方式与总统密切合作, 作为行政的顾问和管理者, 业务及财务. 克里斯滕森负责报告需求, 组织沟通, coordinates special events with other departments and serves as the main administrative liaison between the 总统办公室 and multiple areas, 包括行政人员和公园的董事会. Christensen also guides administrative professionals university-wide through the Park Pirate Professionals.

Christensen began her career with Park in July 2003 and served in a variety of roles in the School for Arts and Humanities, 教务处和校长办公室. In 2011, she was honored with the Northland Regional Chamber of Commerce Excellence in Education award.

Prior to coming to Park, she served as office manager and an events specialist at Vic Gutman & 的同事, a special events firm which coordinates special events for the city of Omaha and area not-for-profit organizations.

Dr. 唐纳德Chrusciel唐纳德·克鲁希尔博士.D.

(816) 584-6317

Don Chrusciel was appointed as vice president of finance and administration in August 2023.

以VPFA的身份, 克鲁希尔负责财务, 负责大学的会计及行政运作, 包括策略性交付. 他负责所有的财政事务, 包括金融系统, 报告和控制, 以及财政政策和法规. 除了, Chrusciel is responsible for ensuring the University has requisite financial resources, 包括现金管理和借款协议. 此外, 克鲁谢尔负责监督人力资源办公室, 信息技术服务办公室和设施办公室.

Chrusciel joined 皇冠365官方app after having served as vice chancellor of financial and administrative services with the Kansas City region’s Metropolitan 社区 College system since June 2018.

他的整个职业生涯都在从事高等教育, including recent stints as vice president of finance and administrative services at Bakersfield (Calif.加州克恩县的一所大学.) 社区 College District and as vice president for administration and finance at the University of Central Oklahoma. Chrusciel also spent 14½ years as the business services director of facilities planning and management at Iowa State University in Ames. 除了, Chrusciel held various roles at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and the University of California, 加州大学伯克利分校.

Chrusciel earned his doctorate degree in industrial education and technology from ISU. He also earned a Master of Science degree in management information systems/operations management from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 加州州立大学工商管理硕士学位, 海沃德(现在是CSU), 东海湾), and a Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry from Michigan State University.


(816) 584-2135

梅丽莎·福特 was appointed as 皇冠365官方app’s chief advancement officer in December 2023. 她作为CAO的角色, Ford is charged with developing and executing comprehensive fundraising strategies that support the University’s mission and goals. 她负责通过年度捐赠来发展晋升计划, 校友关系, 企业及基金会关系, 资本运动, 重要的礼物, 计划给, 管理, 先进服务和特别活动. Ford also works with the University’s Board of 受托人 and the 皇冠365官方app International Center for Music Foundation Board to further strengthen philanthropic support in support of faculty and student endeavors with an established, 成功晋升团队.

Ford joined 皇冠365官方app as its associate vice president for advancement after coming from the University of Missouri – Kansas City where she served as director of philanthropic giving for the School of Science and Engineering since 2021. Ford has nearly two decades of experience fundraising for Kansas City nonprofits, 包括堪萨斯城芭蕾舞团, 堪萨斯州东北部和密苏里州西北部的女童子军, 和美联航WE. 除了, Ford served as executive director for the Greater Kansas City Chapter of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America for more than five years.

Ford earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in dance performance from Oklahoma City University. 一个忠诚的社区志愿者, 福特是女童子军的领队, is a member of the Kansas City Young Matrons and the Kansas City Ballet Guild’s Board of Directors, 在2022-23年担任主席.


(816) 584-6445

米歇尔(雪莉)迈尔斯,埃德.D.他于2018年10月被任命为皇冠365官方app教务长. She had served as dean of the University’s 教育与卫生专业学院 since joining Park in July 2010.

在加入Park之前, 迈尔斯担任副院长的行政职务, assistant dean and acting assistant dean in the Division of Education at Queens College, 纽约城市大学, as well as interim associate dean of the College of Education and Human Services at the University of Central Missouri. 除了, 她担任助理教授, 然后是UCM的副教授, 也是东南密苏里州立大学的助理教授. 在她在重庆市立大学期间, Myers served as coordinator of the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education. 迈尔斯获得了课程与教育学教育学博士学位, 并获得体育教学硕士学位, 来自阿肯色大学. She received her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Western Kentucky University.

艾米丽金合欢属植物艾米丽维. 金合欢属植物,Ph值.D.

(816) 584-6779

艾米丽维. 金合欢属植物,Ph值.D.他是皇冠365官方app的副教务长和英语教授. Sallee于2005年加入该大学,担任教职.

Sallee在该大学担任过各种领导职务, 包括文理学院院长, 英语与现代语言系系主任, program coordinator for First-Year Writing and director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. 她于2016年被任命为副教务长,并于2022年被任命为副教务长.

Sallee领导倡议 与教师发展和支持,课程和认证相关. 这些举措包括教师培训和指导, 全职和兼职教师的专业发展, 以及与教师相关的政策和程序. Sallee also serves as the University’s 高等教育委员会 accreditation liaison officer.

在到达公园之前, Sallee worked in the writing across the curriculum program at the University of Kansas where she also taught courses in first-year writing and technical communication. She earned a doctoral degree in rhetoric and writing and a Master of Arts degree in language and literature from the University of Kansas. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in English and secondary education from William Jewell College.


(816) 584-2190

安德鲁·肖夫纳博士.D.他于2023年2月被任命为负责战略计划的副总裁. 作为VPSI, Dr. Shoffner synchronizes and coordinates efforts across University departments and the administration. 他负责监督和指导关键的战略计划, ensuring they align with the University’s goals and contribute to its overall success. 在到达公园之前, he had an illustrious career as a United States Army officer and civilian leader. 在他最近的职位上,他是美国国家开发署署长.S. 陆军指挥与参谋学院指挥与领导系, 他担任助理教授, leading a team of 35 civilian and military faculty members who develop and deliver command and leadership education for the CGSC curriculum. 在之前担任莱文沃斯堡驻军指挥官期间. Shoffner led and managed more than 700 employees and stewarded a $65M annual budget.

Dr. Shoffner earned his doctorate degree in adult learning and leadership from Kansas State University, Master of Military Art and Science degrees in strategic studies and operational planning from the U.S. 陆军高级军事学院, 军事艺术与科学硕士学位.S. Army Command and General 工作人员 College and a Bachelor of Science degree in history from the United States Military Academy.

皇冠365官方app是 认证 由 高等教育委员会.

皇冠365官方app是 a private, non-profit, institution of higher learning since 1875.